ShareWare OnLine 2
ShareWare OnLine Volume 2 (CMS Software)(1993).iso
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OS/2 REXX Batch file
112 lines
; More example macros for MicroEMACS 3.11c for Windows
; These are geared for Windows application development
; Pierre Perret - July 1992
; the following variables need to be adjusted to point to the
; proper files. The pathnames may not be appropriate on your
; system
set %sdk30hlp "c:\sdk30\bin\sdkwin.hlp"
set %sdk31hlp "c:\c700\bin\win31wh.hlp"
set %sdk32hlp "d:\mstools\bin\api32wh.hlp"
set %turbohlp "c:\bc30\bin\tcwhelp.hlp"
; set this variable to point to the make command you want to be used
set %make "nmake /f makefile"
; utility macro to isolate the current help topic
; note that it modifies mark0 and mark7
store-procedure get-help-keyword
7 set-mark
!force previous-word
0 set-mark
set %Keyword $region
7 goto-mark
; This macro calls up the Win 3.0 SDK help on the curent topic
; it is complicated because it needs to append the type of the topic
; for proper matching in the help file.
store-procedure Win30-Help
run get-help-keyword
!if &sequal %Keyword &upper %Keyword
; keyword is all uppercase
set %tmp &sindex %Keyword "_"
!if ¬ &equal %tmp 0
; there is an underscore in there...
!if &or &equal %tmp 3 &sequal &mid %Keyword 2 3 "BN_"
; the underscore is the 3rd character or
; the second to 4th characters are "BN_"
set %KeywordType " message"
set %tmp 0
!if &equal %tmp 0
write-message "What is it ? (S=data Structure, M=utility Macro, P=Printer escape)"
set %tmp &upper >k
!if &equal &sindex "SMP" %tmp
!goto GetAdvice
!if &sequal %tmp "S"
set %KeywordType " data structure"
!if &sequal %tmp "M"
set %KeywordType " utility macro"
set %KeywordType " printer escape"
; keyword contains lower case characters
set %KeywordType " function"
write-message &cat "Looking for: " &cat %Keyword %KeywordType
help-engine %sdk30hlp &cat %Keyword %KeywordType
; This macro calls up the Win 3.1 help on the curent topic
store-procedure Win31-Help
run get-help-keyword
write-message &cat "Looking for: " &cat %Keyword
help-engine %sdk31hlp &cat %Keyword
; This macro calls up the Win32 help on the curent topic
store-procedure Win32-Help
run get-help-keyword
write-message &cat "Looking for: " &cat %Keyword
help-engine %sdk32hlp &cat %Keyword
; This macro calls up the Turbo C for Windows help on the curent topic
store-procedure TCW-Help
run get-help-keyword
write-message &cat "Looking for: " &cat %Keyword
help-engine %turbohlp &cat %Keyword
; add the SDK help menu items at position 5 in the Help menu
; ("@" positions start at 0)
macro-to-menu Win30-Help ">&Help>Windows 3.&0 API@5"
macro-to-menu Win31-Help "Windows 3.&1 API"
macro-to-menu Win32-Help "Windows 3&2 API"
macro-to-menu TCW-Help "&Turbo C++ help"
; follow by a separator (note that nop is used as a placeholder)
bind-to-menu nop "-"
store-procedure run-makefile
find-screen "Results"
pipe-command %make
set $cbufname "Results"
bind-to-menu nop ">E&xecute>-"
macro-to-menu run-makefile "&Make"